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Mountain Guntur

SKW : Cipanas
Sub-district : Tarogong Kaler
Tour Type : Nature
Attraction : Panorama Nature
Mileage : 8 km

Natural Physical Environment

Thunder Mountain is one of the mountain which is owned by Garut district, which is located in Kampung Hamlet Village District Pananjung Tarogong Kaler. This mountain has a total area of ​​approximately 250 ha of which still form an open area, and wholly managed by the West Java BKSDA II which refers to the legality of Minister of Forestry Decree No: 274/kpts II/99. Thunder Mountain region is located 3 km from the capital district Tarogong Kaler and 7 km from the capital city of Garut Regency. Thunder Mountain is an active volcano with volcanic activity has a height of 2,000 m above sea level and has a crater that contained in one peak. Mount Guntur has a unique landscape character which has three hills at its peak, each hill has a height of 1000 m (from the foot of the mountain), 1200 m and 1300 m the highest peak. This mountain has an appeal in the form of a challenging mountain terrain, valleys, waterfalls, rivers, natural panorama and craters. Mount Guntur has the general configuration of mountainous land with a very steep slope and a soil material in the form of rocky sand.For the stability of the soil is relatively unstable region, with high levels of catastrophic landslide and soil and adequate soil absorption.
District boundary Thunder Mountain Nature Park are as follows:
North: Village Pasawahan
West: Kab. Bandung
South: Village Pananjung
East: Village Rancabango
Thunder Mountain Regions TWA has not been intensively developed for tourism area, it's just a lot of Mountain Thunder visited by explorers and serve as areas for camping, hiking and tracking.

Special Aspects

On the Thunder Mountain area, there are no facilities and infrastructure that support tourism activities. This happens because the Thunder Mountain area has not received special attention by the local government to be developed into an area that can be used for sport tourism activities, especially the glading. But there are facilities to support the shelter with a single sufficient condition contained in the location of waterfalls Citiis.

Accessibility Towards Object

To reach to the foot of the mountain, a distance of 5 km from Garut city terminal (terminal Guntur), can use city angkuta cost Rp. 1.500/orang majoring in Garut?Cipanas which operates from 5:00 to 19:00 o'clock am, or can use a form of traditional freight wagon with a tariff of Rp. 3,000. Accessibility to get to the Thunder Mountain area is a highway with road class district that has a width of 3 m and a length of 3 km with good condition, road access has a sufficient condition by road class village that has a width of 2.5-3m and a length of 2 km, and There is also a path of width 0.5-1 m with a sufficient condition.

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  5. Marble Mountains, Vietnam is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Vietnam. It consists of five peaks. Located to the south of Da Nang city, these hills are made of marble and limestone. Nui Ngu Hanh Son is the Vietnamese name for Marble Mountains. It means Mountains of Five Elements. The five peaks are called Thuy Son (water), Moc Son (metal), Tho Son (soil) and Hoa Son (fire).

    There are numerous tunnels and cave entrances in here which make it more alluring to the tourists. One of the caves had two large statues of gods guarding the entrance. Statues of Buddha are present inside many caves. Since 1975 the Marble Mountains has gained popularity as one of the major Vietnam popular destinations.

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